“The comprehensive system of support in the field of adaptation and integration with the society of third-country nationals residing in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship” is co-financed from the National Programme of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the government budget.

The project is implemented by the West Pomeranian Governor – the leader of the project and Caritas Poland – the Partner of the Project.

 Project duration: 01.09.2018 – 31.08.2020

The main aim of the project: Provision of comprehensive integration services to third-country nationals in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship.

Detailed aims of the project carried out by Caritas Poland include: 

  1. Reinforcement of knowledge of employees of Social Assistance Centres, Poviat Family Assistance Centres, Poviat Labour Offices and the West Pomeranian Voivodeship Office about regulations connected with integration of foreigners as well as acquisition of skills that will allow for professional handling of foreigners.
  2. Integration of institutions and organizations connected with assistance for third-country nationals.
  3. Ensuring integration of the youngest foreigners– project beneficiaries and children from local communities.
  4. Development of the concept of integration in the voivodeship.
  5. Acquisition of communicative competencies in the Polish language by third-country nationals.
  6. Organization of adaptive courses for foreigners about values and laws applicable in Poland.
  7. Creation and operation of information and advisory centres for third-country nationals.
  8. Support for schools in terms of work with a foreign child.
  9. Presentation of positive aspects of migration as the process that enriches local communities.
  10. Exchange of good practices with employees of western non-government organizations that support the development of foreigners in local communities.