24.06.2020 – Cultural differences and culture shock

Changing the country of residence frequently also involves a…

22.06.2020 – Change in the working conditions for foreigners due to COVID-19

On 16 May 2020, further provisions entered into force in order…

18.06.2020 – Travelling within the Schengen area in relation to the extension of national visas

In connection with the current epidemiological situation, on…

16.06.2020 – Coronavirus outbreak - further arrangements for foreigners

Since 18 April 2020, in addition to extending (until the 30th…

29.05.2020 – Migrant stories in Caritas Poland Quarterly

The June issue of Caritas Quarterly features an article about…

25.05.2020 – Legal status of a foreigner after marriage or divorce with a Pole

What is the legal status of a stay in Poland of a foreigner after…

18.05.2020 – A child of foreigners born in Poland - how to legalise their stay and obtain a birth certificate

Legalisation of the stay of a child born in Poland If a child…

29.04.2020 – Stories of migrants in the form of photo relations under the banner “Journeys close and far”

A series of relations and a photo session have been organized…

03.04.2020 – Coronavirus epidemics - special solutions for foreigners

Dear Sirs, Due to the current epidemiological situation, the…

30.03.2020 – Work under a seasonal work permit

A different type of permit than those described here: http://migranci-uchodzcy-szczecin.caritas.pl/2020/en/23-03-2020/ is…